Sunday, April 1, 2012

Project Monster

Pinterest has created a monster out of me. The ability to find projects easily and pin them to go back to later, just awesome!

I'm happy to say I've tried a few things so far. I hope to try more as time permits. Now that I've been sewing more lately, the children has started to notice. They've seen enough now that as we walk by any fabric, anywhere, they're stopping too. I watch as they rummage through bolts of fabric, feel each fabric between their little hands, and talk aloud about what they would want to make from it. (or rather have me make, lol). But it really is just something beautiful.

I'm afraid they may be too old for sewing clothing for them beyond a skirt or two. It's hard to tell. Maybe they'll wear some of it, maybe they won't. Perhaps if they're they ones to "design" the outfit, and I provide the slave labor, err I mean sewing, they may just wear handmade clothing....

Maybe it's not too late for me to turn into a hippie mom. :) After all, I just pick up coffee grounds from Starbucks and spread them all throughout the garden.

Let's end with a picture of the most recent sewing project: My First Skirt!

Mother Hen

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